Wednesday, December 09, 2009

The Vast Global Conspiracy

As we all know, the Scientific Community has banded together to create the myth of GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE.  Why have they done this, well, uh, because they , uh, well, because those smart people are always trying to trick the rest of us.  Uh, oh, wait, I’m a scientist.


The San Jose Mercury News, known to the rest of us as the Murky News, continues to publish letters to the editor uncovering this heinous plot.  Here is a recent example, and my response.  At least we can all agree that the world is flat, and is there something going on in Copenhagen? 


From the SJ Mercury News, Letters to the Editor, December 7, 2009:

Climate change is a smoke screen

Of course the "science academics of every major industrialized country" support the climate change scam that was called global warming before that theory went down in flames.

The world of science has no product to sell, so the greedy among them can only cash in on the big payday if they throw in with governments seeking even more regulatory control. It's a smoke screen aimed at money and power.

The climate change crowd claim no controversy exists and that the leading scientists share a consensus in their beliefs. Yet Al Gore and all the others won't go anywhere near an open, public debate on their theories. Their so-called science is an insult to those scientists who openly do studies and research based on facts and results, not the opportunity for revenue.

Jon Azevedo

Santa Clara


My Response:


Jon Azevedo writes that climate change is a farce for profit.  Also he tells us there has not been debate or review of this complex issue.   I suggest he read the history of the UN IPCC, and the onerous process their publications endure.  It took until 2007 for them to finally agree that increasing global temperature  “is very likely due to the observed increase in …human.. greenhouse gas concentrations”


I don’t know how Mr. Azevedo reaches his conclusions.  But   I’m sure he and the others who dispute organizations like the American Meteorological Society know far more than vast majority of the worlds’ climate experts.  And I’m sure King Abdul of Saudi Arabia would agree with him.  Controlling risky carbon emissions and gaining energy independence in this country could really be upsetting to the highly altruistic global oil industry.


More Responses:



George Martin

San Jose, CA





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