Friday, January 07, 2005

Isn't It Strange?

If you listened to our govinators' fine speach last tuesday, you heard a great example of the power of oratory...

but isn't it strange, that this supposedly "populist" politician really targeted only two groups as the targets for bringing control to the chaos of the california government budget. the cure for our budget woes are teachers, and public servants' pensions.

How is it we have gotten to a place in this country and in this state, where the people rise up, vote in a candidate who pledges to represent "the people", who then gets in office and goes after the security and lifestyle of the those with the least to give?

We seem to be riding a tide where every government initiative, federal or state, is designed to deminish the economic foundation of the rapidily shrinking middle class. the data says clearly that a few wealthy people are getting more and more of the wealth of this great country, while the rest of us are still trying to make it between paychecks, send our kids to school, all while we earn less and less time and resource to live healthy, happy, and secure lives.

How can this be? why would the electorate vote continue to vote for tickets that are sponsored and designed by the wealthy few.

how could our governor say with a straight face that it's up to teachers, cops, and other hardworking government employees to give up even more to balance the billions and billions of mismanaged dollars our representatives have doled out the wealthy few?